Our Services

We build more than concrete and steel; we build lasting relationships. Bancroft is committed to taking a partnership approach to all projects it manages, from major development projects to the revitalization of world-renowned cultural landmarks. Bancroft focuses on the idea of ​​improving the community, helping our clients complete projects from concept to completion, and proudly provides the following building-based solutions.
Emergency Services
Construction Services
Building Sustainability
Maintenance and Renovation
Quality and Safety Systems
Project Management
The Quality
Verify the correctness of engineering plans in all its fields, whether architectural, construction, electrical, mechanical, etc., during the preparation phase of the plans, and the extent to which each item is satisfied.
- Ensuring the quality of the resources to be used in the project during the implementation phase and their conformity with the technical specifications stipulated in the contract, through a special schedule prepared for this purpose, including the name of the material, its specification, the place of its use on the site, and the tests carried out on it to ensure its conformity. The supply is only after your approval.
- Ensure the validity and quality of the mechanisms used in the project and their suitability for the purpose of the project.
- Preparing an organizational structure for the labor and human resources used for the project and defining the exact job and task of each individual, his role and place in the project (and attached to you an organizational structure, mission and experience of each member of the company) to facilitate the project quality control.
Procedures for verifying the completeness of catalogs, manuals and operating instructions for all equipment in the project.
Schedule the procedures and steps for receiving the implementation work on the site.
The safety
How will the human element be protected from accidents and injuries according to each activity?
How will facilities and property be protected during implementation against fires and explosions?
How will project workers be trained on safe work systems and the use of personal protective equipment?
How will events and situations be dealt with in an emergency?
Determining the responsibility of safety, health and the environment towards the various levels implementing the project (attached to you, the organizational structure and the task of each individual in the project).
Providing first aid and medical care on site
Fire prevention and prevention by eliminating its causes, such as:
Conformity of electrical connections with the technical rules and principles.
- Preparing personal protective equipment for project workers according to the nature of each activity, such as wearing the necessary safety factors (helmet - protective shoes - safety belts).